📢 Few of these links may need you to be logged in as a TCC member in the respective platforms. Not a member? Join us here
Community Events

Community Events

A learning community cannot exist without community events 🍻

Gain access to exclusive TCC community events like Happy Hours, Webinars, Exercise Help Hours, etc.


De-jargonize This

De-jargonize This

Overwhelmed by hifi jargons at your workplace? Don’t worry 🌞

Everyday, we take one jargon and de-jargonize it by writing a layman explanation.


Exercise Sets

Exercise Sets

Learn technology and technical agility from the basics by doing hands-on stuff, not by watching videos 🚨

Exercise sets are logical groups of step-by-step exercises, with curated reference materials, that lead towards specific outcomes.


Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum

Stuck on an exercise? Need review on your conference talk proposal? Want to rant about a bad experience? Or, just want to humble-brag? 🤑

Just post in the discussion forum to get help from peers.


TCC Slack

TCC Slack

Want to engage in friendly banter, share memes or chat with the community members one-one? 💥

TCC Members get access to the exclusive TCC Slack workspace to chat their worries away.


Reading List

Reading List

Today’s professional faces an information overload. There are lots of articles, blogs, videos that come their way.

TCC Members get access to a curated, ever-growing reading list that contains blogs, videos, podcasts and much more.
